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This is a free download of the latest version of GEM-VX Engraving Software. This package can be download to upgrade to the latest software build (you will require a registered Dongle). You can  also use it in demo mode (without Dongle) to evaluate and see if it meets your requirements. This package will only run on Windows XP with service pack 2, Vista, Windows 7, Window 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 32/64bit.
These files are in ZIP format and must be EXTRACTED correctly to function properly. Important!!! please read the PDF instructions contained in the ZIP file before installing.

Some of the functions that are available to evaluate in this download. Are only available in the licensed version, by purchasing extra function packs. Please see Data Sheet of minimum Computer specifications required to run this software.

Note: You can install this software on Windows XP or Vista, but we no longer offer technical support on those platforms.


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GEM-VX 8 Software Download

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